
Motor vehicles and motor vehicle trailers manufactured in series are subject to type approval in accordance with Art. 12 Para. 1 of the Road Traffic Act (RTA) of 19 December 1958.

General information


VehiclesThe Federal Roads Office (FEDRO) determines whether vehicles comply with the relevant Swiss regulations. This is confirmed with the issue of a Swiss type approval or a Swiss data sheet.

The Federal Office maintains an information system that contains the data for the approval and inspection of vehicles of each type. The authorities responsible for authorisation and inspection have access to the electronic information system. On request, the emission and fuel consumption data determined as part of the vehicle typing process will be made available to anyone.

Ablauf zum Erlangen einer TG/DB

Parts and accessories

For objects in accordance with Annex 1 Number 2 of the Ordinance on the Type Approval of Road Vehicles (RVTAO, SR 741.511), a conformity assessment or certification or a test report from a test centre recognised by FEDRO is sufficient for approval.

Vehicles from a discontinued series / application in Switzerland

The document published here is intended to explain the handling of the exemption authorisation for "vehicles from a discontinued series" for Switzerland.


TARGA Tyre is an information platform of the Vehicle Typing Division for the tyre and wheel trade.It contains a data extract from the type certificate and type approval data and is available for all vehicles from approx. 1985 onwards.

Further information


Bundesamt für Strassen
3003 Bern
+41 58 463 42 46

Opening hours
8 AM - 11h30 AM
2 PM - 4 PM

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